sabato 23 luglio 2011

Like and don't like of the day..:)


I really love the color of the skirt, the simple t-shirt and I'm a fan of obi belts.. it looks perfect in this outfit!:) P.S. Looovely shoes!

Don't like

Www.Romwe.Com Galaxy Dress, Green Cross From Diy, H&M Black Cardigan From Borrowed From Gabriel, Jeffrey Campbell Litas

First of all, I don't like the shoes. I think that the shoes are the most important section of an outfit.. so, in this case, I say "no" to everything (the big necklace is too big) and the bag doesn't fit with the rest of the outfit.. 

Bye! :)

7 commenti:

  1. Lovely outfit my dear u look so pretty and about the second outfit u are so right my Dear kisses

  2. great blog, i also love the first photo. come and drop by my blog if you have time ;)

  3. aww, i like the one you don't like. i like them both! i don't really know why you would post things you don't like in your blog, though. it seems like it would hurt someone's feelings. :(

  4. mi è piaciuta la tua risposta ;)

  5. @Virgit: That’s not me. :) I discovered these outfits in lookbook, but above the pics there is the link to the blog of the fashion blogger ..:)

    @Roxanne: Thank you, I’ll surely will visit your blog!

    @MOUSEVOX VINTAGE: It’s only my opinion. This is a blog where I put my impressions and opinions, I surely don’t want to hurts people (and I apologize if I did). Not all the people in this world have to follow the same taste.. it’s normal. You can have an opinion different than mine. I think it is good that someone have a different opinion.

    @VicissitudiniLombarde: ne sono felice! :)

  6. mi piace che dici ciò che pensi...potresti dare un'occhiata al mio ti piace potremmo seguirci a vicenda....
    xoxo mininuni


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