domenica 13 febbraio 2011

Wardrobe? Like a work of art! :)

Il guardaroba? Come un'opera d'arte da esporre!
Vestiti appesi in modo ordinato e che rendono una parete bianca in una specie di quadro d'autore!

The wardrobe? Like an exposed work of art!
Hanged clothes, that transform a white wall into a famous painting!

Alcune foto trovate in internet..:)
Some photos found on the internet..:)

Creativity! :)

monimalist wall wardrobe design Wardrobe : Cool and Modern Design and Lay Out


3 commenti:

  1. Very nice, all of them!


  2. I love how creative one can be with their closet! this is inspiring me to redesign my own space :) I love that white branch hangbar.



Comments are always welcome! :)
Thank you! :)